healing arts centre



The space is so warm and welcoming. My first time was great, Shaina really knows her stuff and helps guide you through the entire experience. I feel super clean and my bloating is gone. Plus lost 3lbs in one session!

-JAS (Client)

Working with Shaina is a deeply validating and relaxing experience! She will ask you questions and share information that will help you tune into your body's unique rhythm, allowing you to access the medicine you truly need.

Her knowledge of the gut microbiome and its contribution to physical, mental and spiritual health is what makes her a truly holistic colon hydrotherapy practitioner! She is very gentle in her approach.

-ADITI (Client)

As a fellow Colon Hydrotherapist and clinic owner, I feel confident referring clients to Shaina. She is knowledgeable, skilled, intuitive and deeply caring. She also has made the commitment of investing in what I believe to be the best colonic system available to ensure the best possible experience and results. I always trust the quality of the care Shaina provides

-MONICA (Clinic Owner)

Sha is the perfect guide. While instructing you on how to use the machine, Sha also let's you know of different ways you can listen to your body during the process and recommended practices. Also, Sha gives you the right amount of alone time while checking in on you periodically and will tell you when they will come next. I had a lovely time.


Colon Hydrotherapy

Single / $130 (FIRST TIME)

Single / $120 (FOLLOW-UP)

Package of 3 | $320 ($107 each)

Package of 6 | $580 ($97 each)

Package of 9 | $777 ($86 each)

**Plus tax


Email - innegration@gmail.com

Text or call - (647) 372-2813





What is colon hydrotherapy?

Colon Hydrotherapy is an ancient therapy that dates back thousands of years through multiple cultural lineages whereby water is introduced to the colon to support optimal release of toxins and stagnant energies throughout the organ systems.

The colon functions as a major elimination organ to support the vitality of our overall health by supporting all other organ systems which rely on the proper metabolization of nutrients and elimination of waste from the colon to function optimally

Benefits Overview

Through supporting optimal elimination and nutrient metabolism, hydrotherapy promotes diverse physical & psycho-neuro-emotional health outcomes

  • improved energy levels
  • improved mental clarity
  • relives gas and bloating
  • relives nausea, indigestion & constipatoin
  • relieves symptoms of IBS
  • promotes optimal elimination during detox
  • relieves symptoms of indigestion & constipation
  • Improved adrenal and endocrine balance
  • supports sexual and reproductive health
  • Relief of symptoms related to auto-immune disorders

Emotional, Mental & Epigenetic Health

Many clients experience hydrotherapy as a support for psycho-neuro-emotional health.

  1. 90% of our serotonin receptors are in our gut
  2. The digestive tract is a key site in the production of neurotransmitters
  3. The gut and brain operate in a bi-directional axis including:
    1. Enteric Nervous System
    2. Central Nervous System
    3. Vagus Nerve

These systems ensure the proper creation and regulation of neurotransmitters and hormones that correspond to our mental and emotional health (serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin)

How does the the therapy promote these benefits?

  • Improves absorption of nutrients & water
  • Promotes optimal elimination for detoxification
  • Decreases the toxic load on the body’s other elimination organs and pathways
  • Supports regulation of immune system through detoxification of pathogens
  • Supports proper elimination of horomone mimicking substances and excess estrongen which can cause adrenal and endocrine disruption


Preparing for a colonic is similar to preparing for a workout or yoga class: hydration, whole—foods nutrition, and a relatively empty stomach can support an optimal experience. In addition:

We recommend light, health meals on the day of your appointment, with your last meal being 2-3 prior to your appointment start-time. Eating a heavy meal within two hours of your appointment will likely cause discomfort.

Example meals for day of your appointment include: soups, healthy stews, steamed vegetables and, salads, fruit, seeds/nuts. If you are already doing a fasting or liquid meal protocol, then follow your protocol as usual. If you are following a medically-prescribed diet- please stick to it as usual

Be hydrated: you will want to sip on water, herbal teas, coconut water, healthy soups, juices throughout the day of your appointment and ideally the day before your appointment

Alcohol: is not recommend the night prior to your appointment. If you are intending any heavy drinking, we would recommend delaying your appointment until you have recovered.

If you’re doing a cleanse or detox

Colon hydrotherapy is supportive of most detox/cleansing programs & protocols. A number of naturopaths incorporate colon hydrotherapy as a vital addition to a cleanse, to help the body effectively eliminate waste and prevent re-absorption

If you’re menstruating

This can actually be an ideal time for a hydrotherapy session For those who wear tampons, you will need to remove it before your session- make sure to bring an extra for after. If you have extreme discomfort during your cycle- you may want to delay your first time until after

Prepare to relax & slow down

Its hard to have a good session if you’re in a rush. Please schedule your appointment so you’re not on a tight timeline and able to properly relax

Colonics are not typically recommended as a one-time treatment. We encourage everyone to listen to their intuition around what is best for their bodies. Due to the vast size of the colon and the way that the therapy works, colonics are recommended as part of a series of 3-5 sessions for a deeper cleanse with maintenance as needed after

For first time clients

We generally recommend 3 sessions, spaced a few days or a week apart for optimal support. Under certain protocols, the number of sessions and frequency can also vary. Some clients come in consecutive days for particular protocols. We work on a case by case basis, and once you complete your intake and come in for your first session, we can make recommendations for you.


Everyone’s experience is different depending on your unique health situation. Your body will be in ‘cleansing’ or ‘detox’ mode 48 hrs after your session is over.

Some people feel tired, especially after their first couple of sessions, as the body transitions into the initial phases of detoxSymptoms of detoxification: may occur where one may experience ‘symptoms of detox’ or ‘healing crisis’, symptoms of illness right after your cleanse

Most people can go back to life as usual right after their session- such as working out or going to work. However, we do recommend focusing on self-care the day of your colonic.

Using the washroom: doing a colonic is not like taking a laxative. You should not feel uncontrollable urges to go to the washroom once your appointment is done. You may have to use the toilet after the session.


We recommend optimizing body restoration this time by drinking plenty of fluids and ensuring electrolyte replenishment - preferably locally sourced spring water and other forms structured water.

Keep a nutritious diet for at least 48 hrs after your appointment that reflects your health needs & intuition.

This may include: steamed veggies (raw veggies can be gassy), fresh fruit, fresh juices, healthy soups, stews and any light, cooked (preferable steamed)

Nourish yourself slowly & mindfully, chewing thoroughly/ Absorption and assimilation of nutrients is enhanced after your colonic, so whatever you take into your body matters!

After cleansing the colon is the perfect time to focus on cultivating healthy probiotic populations in our digestive system


  • Feeling tired or gassy after your session
  • Increased awareness of the foods you eat and the way they effect you
  • Suppressed emotions may surface for observation after your session
  • More frequent bowel movements and urination
  • A delay in your next bowel movement is normal.

Everybody is different and colon hydrotherapy can effect different people in different ways.


  1. Give yourself space to discern and honour your own boundaries energetically, socially, environmentally
  2. Incorporate support for lymphatic release. This may include exfoliation, dry skin brushing, steams, saunas, salt baths
  3. Refrain from drinking alcohol and caffeine
  4. This is a perfect time to declutter your home environment if you have any clutter at home or office if needed and desired

Any questions? Email us at innegration@gmail.com


II had a lovely experience here with Sha. Sha is very patient, understanding and open. I felt extremely safe and comfortable in the space with Sha. I felt supported and held in a non-judgmental environment. There was time to ask questions, prepare and undergo the procedure. The post-procedure process was also very nourishing. Sha's wisdom and knowledge was so needed in my journey and I continue to employ Sha's advice in my daily routine and with how I relate to my body and digestive system. Thank you so much Sha. I can't recommend Innegration Colon Hydrotherapy & Healing Arts Centre enough.


I’ve had about 6 sessions for the colon hydrotherapy, and firstly, I have to say that Shaina is truly an incredible being- I am so grateful for the presence, beautiful + safe sanctuary of the space curated, and the different levels of healing, relief, and support I am able to find here :)

I’m sincerely surprised and impressed by the impact hydrotherapy has had for me, and the attentive and intuitive care and knowledge that Sha brings for each session.

Thank you so much Shaina!!


As a senior and first time user of colon hydrotherapy I was apprehensive about my first session. Shaina put me completely at ease with her relaxed and thorough explanations to my questions. She made sure I was truly ready for the therapy before I started. The hydrotherapy experience itself was excellent and the cleanliness and efficient management of the process inspired confidence in me.

Through the process Shaina was attentive and at hand if I needed her. As a result I settled down into the process fairly quickly and felt the cleansing effects of the process as it continued. At the end I felt so light and energetic! My voice was stronger and skin clearer! Thank you Shaina for a wonderful experience. I highly recommend Innegration to anyone wanting to rejuvenate and revitalize!
